About Us

We are a work team with more than fifteen years of experience in handling the production and distribution of UPSs, aimed to form an enterprise that grows in search of excellence in the international market.

UPS ENERGY GROUP handles ON LINE technology of high range, in all capacities, with electric parameters for American, European and other industrial systems.

We will be your support enterprise, leader in the market as suppliers of UPSs, outstanding in the product quality, advice, and technical support to handle local distributors and representatives in the American Continent.

Our mission is to strengthen and support the development of the enterprises linked to UPS ENERGY GROUP in order to fulfill the users needs involving electricity supply.

Razones para elegirnos

Porqué trabajar con nosotros


Seremos su empresa de apoyo, líder en el mercado como proveedores de UPS, sobresaliente en la calidad del producto, asesoramiento y soporte técnico para manejar distribuidores y representantes locales en el continente americano.


Nuestra misión es fortalecer y apoyar el desarrollo de las empresas vinculadas a UPS ENERGY GROUP con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios que involucran el suministro eléctrico.

Estamos presentes en

Estamos presentes en: Estados Unidos, Chile, Perú y Bolivia.

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